
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Let's Eat!

It's snack time.  It begins with me pulling out the table.  Quickly G and C crawl over to the table and into the chairs.  They bang on it and vocalize their excitement.
"It is snack time!  I can tell you're excited.  I will be right back with our food!"

Meal and snack time is a big deal in our room – Cohort 8 loves to eat and be together at the table. We sit together and enjoy the food and the children are given the chance to participate in just feeding themselves.  Meal times are a beautiful moment in our day when we talk not just about the qualities of the food, but what meal time looks like and what their needs are in that moment.  Some days our meals are long and leisurely, while other times they are short affairs which involved very little food being consumed.  Each type of meal is exactly right, and gives us the time to talk about what that feels like.

Phrases You Might Hear At Meal Time

Your plate is empty!  You want more!  You can say, "More apples please!"  

Your water spilled onto the table.  Here's a towel.  You can wipe the water up with me, back and forth, like this!

When you stand up, it tell me you're All Done.  Let's wash your hands so you're ready to play.

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